
Many ways of giving are possible to deepen your ability to Be in Christ, Be Loved, and Be of Use.

We experience uniquely the love, forgiveness, and wholeness God wants for us by offering to another from the gifts God has given us.

We pledge our commitments & give financially – See Online Giving & Composing a Legacy (Presbyterian Foundation).

COVID update:  Please see Supporting the Church in Uncertain Times – options to give while we are not meeting in person.

We give in gratitude to God, in recognition that beautiful and effective mission and ministry costs money, and in excitement over what we are accomplishing together.  We make extraordinary impacts together that we never could do alone for God’s most vulnerable, including ourselves when we are at our most vulnerable.  See Serving Our Neighbors.

We give of our blessings and excess of material goods, including regular collections of food, used eyeglasses, and donations to other partner agencies.

We give of talents and time.  See Participation.

To do this we have to think differently about time, busyness and priorities.  See  Stewardship Reflections about how we are made, Sabbath, and being of use without being used up.

We give out of our choices to live conscious of our impacts.
Our stewardship includes responsible management of environmental resources – energy, water, and property.

Thank you for giving through First Presbyterian Church.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.